Saturday 26 March 2011


The piece of music that was created was an instrumental piece. I edited the piece of music myself further from what Sam worked on, as I found that I wanted the music to go on a bit longer, as the piece of music created was only about 20-30 seconds long. I really like the music and I feel it will have the desired effect on my film opening.

All music in my film opening will be non-diegetic sound, meaning that the sound's source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action.

Monday 7 March 2011

Production Company

I have come up with some ideas for my production company name.

Baker Entertainment

This is simply because my surname is Baker. Nothing more, nothing less.

Another idea I had was something along the lines of...

Fullhouse Productions 

This idea came to me when I was bored and was making a house of cards. I then videoed the tower as I blew it down and figured I could edit it into some sort of production company.

Below is the link to the finished video after I edited it all together, to produce a film production company. I am rather pleased with how it turned out.

Production Company from Jessica Baker on Vimeo.

I have chosen to also use the Baker Entertainment as well, so when all the editing is completed it will read; 

Fullhouse Productions. 

In association with Baker Entertainment.

I've already started working on this.

Wednesday 2 March 2011


(Night time. All that can be seen is a torch shining on the back of Sam's head as he tries to unlock the door.
Sam is crouching and Kat is behind him, holding the torch and shining on the lock. He's not doing very well.)

KAT: Oh for God's sake, let me do it. Here, hold that.

(Kat snatches the tools out away from Sam, thrusting the torch into his hands. She then has a go at unlocking the door, throwing Sam a "you're useless" look. She opens it in no time. Sam drops the crowbar.)

KAT: (Violently) Sshhhhh!! (The music begins quietly in the background)

SAM: (Whispers) Sorry.

(Elsewhere, Matilda is walking down the street. Kat and Sam are sneaking their way into the house.)

SAM: (Whispers) Kat.

KAT: (Violently whispers) What?

SAM: (Whispers) What was that?

KAT: (Whispers) Nothing, no one's in.

(Matilda is again seen walking further down the street. Back in the house, Kat and Sam continue creeping.)

KAT: (Whispers) Come on.

(Rapid cuts between Matilda heading towards a house, and the 2 robbers creeping further into the house. Kat and Sam are seen creeping into a room, when the lights suddenly come on. The music stops.)


(Everyone is frozen on the spot. The music starts again.)

KAT & SAM: Oh...Uhhh... Umm..

KAT: Was it not fancy dress?... We'll just go then.

(She turns, pushing Sam towards the exit, running as fast as they can. The party goers are all frozen in shock and confusion. Party goer #2 pops the party popper they are holding. Kat and Sam are seen running out of the front door.)

PARTYGOER #6: Do you know them?


(Kat and Sam are then seen running up the street that Matilda was seen walking down.)

-End of film opening-