Tuesday 11 January 2011

Time Warner's takeover of British publisher IPC media has given the NME brand a new lease of life. Discuss.

NME originated as a weekly magazine about up and coming rock music that was sold only in Britain. However, when IPC (the publishing company responsible for foundation of NME) was bought by American company, Time Warner the expansion of the NME brand began with plans of extending the brand to the US.

NME is already available in the US via the internet in the form of a digital magazine, and NME.com (which is the USA's thrid most popular website). Plans to launch of two clubs; "Club NME NYC" and "Club NME LA" like those that NME has already launched over the UK and the rest of Europe, with live msuci from new and upcoming bands which make popular live events.

Time Warner's takeover of NME allows for them have enough finances for them to extend and try out new things, like opening clubs around the world, etc. This financial swecurity allows them to really experiment and if it goes well, then they will really reep the benfits. However, if something wasn't to work out, then (even though there's a loss) it wouldn't be such a dilemma as there would still be money for the business to run stabily on.

Time Warner's is a corporation that covers many products of different medias so the potential for advertisement across all multimedia platforms is increased as NME can be advertised in other magazines, or by products produced by Warner Bros Studio for example.

The takeover of IPC by Time Warner's will undoubtedly change NME, but will bring profits as the audience is bound to become much wider.

(UNFINISHED... sorry, I could definately do more on this. Especially on individuality and stuff, my brain is just dead today.)

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