Saturday 19 February 2011


I was thinking about possible locations for my film opening. What I am initially looking for is your standard family home, with a relatively large lounge, that would be big enough to host some sort of surprise party. I also would need a lounge with at least 2 entrances to it, one  for the burglars to come in through, and the other for the victim of the suprise party to come in through.

It could however work if there was only one entrance, but the positions of the characters would have to be slightly different and i would generally prefer there to be 2 entrances.

I have gone around some possible locations for my film opening. Below are some of the images I took for location research. The 3 locations I researched are all photographed below and they were; My house, a friend in the same village, and a friend living in Wymondham.

This picture on the left is of my lounge. It is too small for what I was looking for, with only one usable entrance. There is also no central light, only lamps so I wouldn't have been able to switch all of the lights on at once. It also has a wooden floor and I would prefer a carpeted floor for my film opening. 

The roads leading away from my house are not lit, and so would be hard to film, and I was also looking for a street with street lamps.

 This picture is of my friend Amy's house. She lives at the other end of the village. I think her lounge would have been ideal as it is large, carpeted with 2 entrances to it that would've worked well with the entrances of the characters.

 I do however feel that the outside setting wouldn't be too great as, like my house, the road is not lit by street lamps. However, there is an alley at the end of the road which would have been a good location for them to run down.

My third and final location was my friend Frankie's house in Wymondham.

On the left are a series of photographs I took. 

Her living room has 2 entrances and is rather how I envisioned it. It's a proper family home, carpeted and with a bright central light, unlike my house.

The 2 entrances available are far enough apart to create decent spacing of the characters.

I really like how the entrance through which Tilly's character (the birthday girl) will come through is in between the burglars' entrance and where the surprise party-goers will be standing.

This will help to enhance the confusion of Tilly's character, with her looking back and forth between the two groups of people.

This is the outside of Frankie's house.

It is a typical looking family home which helps to set the scene.

This is the road which Frankie's house is on. 

As you can see, the street is lit by street lamps which is exactly what I was looking for. 

 This is the back garden to Frankie's house.

This is where Kat and Sam will be breaking in through, giving them plenty of indoor space for them to enter through as the living room is pretty much on the other side of the house, not that the viewers would know.

After looking through my research, it is pretty clear that Frankie's house is the best location for my film opening to be filmed at. This is because the general vibe of the house is a family home. The lighting is exactly how I want it, with a central light in the lounge and street lamps lighting up the road.

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