Saturday 5 February 2011


For my film opening, I have considered who I would have as my actors, if I could.

For one of the 2 main characters; Sam, I'd have an actor the likes of Jack O'Connell. He became most famous for his portrayal of James Cook in the TV series Skins. I feel that he'd fit the part of Sam quite well, as he is of the right age, British and could fit the part of a burglar very well. I however feel that maybe he might be a big too "thug-looking" to portray the sweeter side of Sam.

I therefore feel that an actor like Elliott Tittensor, from Shameless, would be more suiting to the role. Whilst being the same age and British (like Jack O'Connell) he seems a bit softer and less rugged. So if I was casting whoever I wanted for the role of Sam, I would chose Elliott Tittensor.

For the role of Kat, I'd pick an actress like Kathryn Prescott, also from Skins. This is because she is of the correct age range and nationality. I feel that she'd be able to portray the role of a rather controlling burglar, things always having to go her way. 

I like the fact that if I was to use Kathryn, the contrast between her seemingly sweet and adorable face and quite spiteful personality makes her character more likeable than if she was nasty and not-so-adorable. 

For the character of Joel, I'd cast an actor like John Malkovich. He has this look about him that just says "I'm in charge". 

He is only a few years over my character's age, so would fit the bill.

For the character of Bridget, I'd cast Emma Watson. She is of the correct age, British and someone that many guys seem to fancy and so would fit the role of Bridget very well. 

She is someone that I feel would be Sam's desirable woman, and someone that he's been in love with for a while, but he's too intimidated by her to tell her. She has something quite mysterious about her which I think would be perfect for Bridget.

For the role of Rosie, I would cast Anna Popplewell. She played the role of Susan in the Chronicles of Narnia and I feel that she'd portray the innocence of Rosie really well. She fits the age range and is also British.

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